Supporting charities
- Choose a simple and convenient way to support a charity you care about
- Donate how and when works for you
- Sign up at any time
Give As You Earn
- Give As You Earn scheme provided through Charities Aid Foundation
Every Penny Counts
- Change lives, one pound at a time
- Round down your net pay to the nearest pound and donate the pennies
Please refer to the MyBenefits Terms and Conditions.
Give as You Earn
It’s easy to show you care. You can choose to make a payroll donation to automatically give to your chosen charity every month or donate at any time you choose. It's a straightforward and convenient way to support your favourite charities.
For more information please visit the Charities Aid Foundation website.
How much will it cost me?
Your monthly donation is deducted directly from your gross pay, so for basic rate tax payers every £1 you give only costs you 80p, and less for higher rate tax payers.
The Charities Aid Foundation will apply a small administration charge to your donation prior to it being forwarded to your charity.
How do I sign up to Give as You Earn?
To sign up or make a change to an existing donation please complete an online sign-up form.
Please be aware that NTU is registered with Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) who operate a Give As You Earn (GAYE) service on the University’s behalf. By signing up to this service and accepting the CAF Terms and Privacy Notice, you agree to your data being used by CAF.
Every Penny Counts
Give a little, make an impact. By rounding your net pay down to the nearest pound, your spare pennies will be donated each month to the John Van Geest Cancer Research Centre at NTU.
So for example, instead of you receiving £1,234.56 pay each month, you’ll receive £1,234.00 and payroll will give the 56p from your salary to the John Van Geest Centre to help fund cancer research.
Alternatively, choose to make a regular monthly donation from your net pay directly towards funding cancer research at the John Van Geest Centre.
For more information please see the Guide to the John van Geest Cancer Research Centre.
How does the Every Penny Counts scheme work?
By rounding your net pay down to the nearest pound, your spare pennies will be donated each month to the John Van Geest Cancer Research Centre.
So for example, instead of you receiving £1,234.56 pay each month, you’ll receive £1,234.00 and payroll will give the 56p from your salary to the John Van Geest Centre to help fund cancer research.
How do I sign up to Every Penny Counts?
To sign up please complete the sign-up form and return this to Payroll Services.